Our Fees
Face-to-face Consultation
New patient Consultation: £250 (Harley Street £250)
Follow up Consultation: £175 (Harley Street £195)
Zoom Consultation
New Zoom Consultation: £195
Follow up Zoom Consultation: £140
Telephone Consultation
New Telephone Consultation: £165
Follow up Telephone Consultation: £60 per 10 mins / £120 per 20 mins
Please note:
These fees apply to face to face and remote consultations.
The consultation fees above are only applicable to self-pay patients. Where consultation costs are being covered by health insurance the rates may vary and applicable agreed fees will be charged to the insurance company.
In general, our fees for consultations reflect the charges made locally by most consultants in their private practice.
We ideally like to see patients with a letter of referral from either a General Practitioner or another consultant.
Fixed Price Quotes / Self-funding Costs
(includes Consultant fees & Clinic fees)
Supervised removal of urethral catheter (TWOC): £192
Urinary flow rate assessment and volume bladder scan: £225
Flexible cystoscopy (with or without stent removal): £950
Instillation of therapeutic treatment into the bladder: £486
Urodynamics assessment of the bladder: £790
Vasectomy under local anaesthetic, including 1 semen sample analysis: £975
Prostate biopsy XR110: £920
Prostate biopsy M6582 (trans perineal): £1750
Prostate ultrasound xcan (XR110): £100
Prostate MRI screening package (MRI scan and clinic appointment): £850
Shockwave lithotripsy for renal tract stone fragmentation (single session): £202 (Consultant fee only)
Therapeutic injections into bladder neck for treatment of stress incontinence (periurethral bulking agents) inc. cystoscopy e.g. Deflux, Botox Includes supply of 100 units Botox: £1866
For any other procedure cost please contact our Finance Manager on 0118 9207040 or if you have any questions about self funding.
Reports can be requested by many people, for example, your insurance company. We will always need written authorisation from you before releasing any information to a third party and we also ask for payment in advance from whomever requests the information.
Reports provided to your health insurance provider as part of your treatment do not attract any fee.
Reports provided for third parties attract a minimum fee of £52.50
Medico-legal Work
Instructions for medico-legal work usually come to us via a solicitor or a company acting for the patient, perhaps as part of a personal injury claim. As the work is usually complicated and time-consuming it attracts an increased scale of fees which will be agreed with the instructing company prior to the work being undertaken. We do not take on medical negligence cases or provide home visits.
All procedures are graded according to their complexity and charges are based upon this and the expected time that a procedure will take to carry out. A guide price for any procedure or course of treatment that you may have to consider can always be provided. Our Price List shows our charges for the most common procedures we carry out.
We have based our fees on the BUPA reimbursement scale plus an uplift of 15%. This is done to cover our expenses and outgoings and we consider that this represents a fair charge for the work we do.
If you are insured with AXA or BUPA you should contact us directly as fees for their policy holders are different to our usual scale of charges.
Multiple procedures
If you have two or more procedures carried out at the same time, the fee charged for two procedures is calculated as follows:
100% of the most complex fee
50% of the secondary fee
Should your case be complicated and/or your consultant recommend more than two procedures at any one time we will negotiate with the separate insurance company involved for an appropriate uplift. You will always need to make first contact with them to confirm that you are planning to have an operation.
Next Steps
Our team of nurses and support staff can help answer your questions or assist with arranging your appointment.