Bladder Conditions
The bladder and urinary tract are susceptible to a range of conditions (UTIs, kidney stones, incontinence, haematuria ) which can cause pain and discomfort.
Overview of Bladder Conditions
The bladder lies in the pelvis, above and behind the pelvic bone. Urine is constantly produced by the kidneys, and flows from the kidneys into the bladder via the ureters. It stretches to take in more liquid and stores urine until a person is ready to go to the toilet, when the urethra then carries it out of the body during urination.
This flow, from the bladder to the urethra is controlled by the urethral sphincters, which open and close the bladder outlet. The sphincters, in turn, are controlled by the pelvic floor muscles.
The healthy bladder expels urine in a controlled, usually voluntary fashion, and the average person urinates 4-8 times a day.
Symptoms of Bladder Conditions
- Urinary Frequency – the need to urinate often
- Nocturia – having to get up at night to urinate
- Urgency – urgent need to pass urine
- Urinary Incontinence – leaking before managing to get to a toilet
- Urinary Retention – urgent need to urinate but inability to start flow
- Haematuria – passing of blood in the urine
- Urinary Tract Infections (Cystitis and Prostatitis) – discomfort and pain when passing urine with urgency
- Urinary Stones – formed in the kidneys, moving to the bladder, blocking urine flow and causing pain
- Bladder Cancer – tumours growing in the bladder
What are the first signs of bladder cancer?
Mr Chris Blick, consultant urologist at The Urology Partnership, explains in the video below how bladder cancer presents and that, in most cases, it is treatable if caught at an early stage.
The latest advances in treating bladder cancer
80% of bladder cancers can be managed from within the bladder, but in 20% of cases, the cancer may spread to the inner wall, and surgery becomes necessary. Due to the latest advancements in surgical techniques, robotic surgery makes this a safer option, with reduced recovery times, and better surgical outcomes.
Diagnosing Bladder Conditions
This is a basic routine test, the first part being a dipstick, which if initial results are abnormal the urine is then looked at under a microscope.
A narrow tube is passed through the urethra into the bladder. A light and camera allow the doctor to diagnose and treat bladder problems.
Urodynamic Testing
A series of urination tests measuring urine flow, pressure, bladder capacity and other measurements to help identify bladder problems.
Next Steps
Get fast access to leading specialists for the swift diagnosis and treatment of urological conditions in a private clinic environment.
If you would like more information or wish to arrange a consultation with one of our specialist consultant urological surgeons then please either Call 0118 920 7040 or complete the form below.
Insured patients
Contact your GP and ask for a referral to the Urology Partnership.
All consultations, investigations and treatments are covered by major insurance companies (depending on policy).
Funding your own treatment
Self-funding initial consultation fee is £205. Follow up fees are £165.
Consultation charges are exclusive of any tests and other investigations that the consultant may wish to carry out.