Recurrent UTIs
Recurrent Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) are becoming an increasing problem, and can lead to debilitating urinary symptoms if left untreated.
Overview of Recurrent UTIs
Urinary tract infection (UTI) is one of the most common infections worldwide, with disproportionally more women suffering this condition than men. Over 50% of all women will have one infection in their lifetime, of which 20% go on to develop recurrent infections.
Patients suffering recurrent infections are often left on an endless cycle of repeated antibiotics courses, which can then lead onto the bacteria developing resistance to the treatment, causing these antibiotics to rapidly stop working.
The latest studies have revealed that these “deep seated” infections hide within the cells of the bladder, changing the microbiome (also known as Urobiome or Urinary Microbiota) and can even evade normal antibiotics.
Our Consultant Urologists at the Urology Partnership specialise in the diagnosis, investigation, acute management and long-term prevention of recurrent UTIs. Working alongside our specialist nursing team they offer a comprehensive and dedicated service for men and women suffering from bladder infections.
Diagnosing Recurrent UTIs
Your specialist will take a thorough history and explore your infections. We also offer a comprehensive set of specialised tests including:
- Urine flowmetry analysis
- Post micturition bladder volume scan assessment
- Urine analysis
- Urine microscopy and culture
- Cytology urine tests to exclude cancer
- Renal tract and abdominal ultrasound scan by Consultant Radiologist
- Cystoscopic assessment of the bladder
For your convenience, these tests can often be performed on the same day in our state-of-the-art diagnostic clinic in order to expedite your treatment and care.
Treatments for Recurrent UTIs
At the Urology Partnership, we are proud to be able to offer a comprehensive set of treatments, including options which avoid using antibiotics. As explained in this video by Mr Bob Yang of the Urology Partnership.
Our specialists are world renowned for their research into this field and have pioneered cutting edge treatments for this debilitating disease. They have also been leading research into the new UTI vaccines which are still unlicensed in the UK.
Doctors discover breakthrough vaccine which could spell the end to painful UTIs
They have been invited to present and publish their research in many prestigious medical journals and conferences worldwide and are the lead editors for the medical textbook on Female Urinary Tract Infections.
1. UTI preventing lifestyle
Increasingly scientific research has shown lifestyle modifications, even by itself, can dramatically reduce the rates of recurrent UTIs in patients by up to 50%. Adopting these changes can also improve your general wellbeing, prevent other serious diseases and most importantly, has minimal side effects.
Our specialist team are experienced in performing a thorough assessment of your UTI lifestyle. From this, they will formulate and take you through a comprehensive plan on areas for improvements, ranging from hydration therapies to urinating positions and oral herbal supplementary remedies.
2. Intravesical UTI therapies
iAluril, Hyacyst, Cystistat
One reason many people suffer from recurrent urinary tract infections is because of a breakdown in the inner lining of the bladder (called the GAG layer), which usually stops harmful bacteria sticking to the bladder. A break in this layer means small amounts of bacteria can stick on the bladder to invade and cause an infection.
Here at the Urology Partnership, we offer a well-established treatment which replenishes this protective layer, as well as calms any inflammation in the bladder.
Over a course of 6 weeks, a special liquid cocktail is installed into the bladder by our specialist nurse or the patient themselves, followed by a monthly course for six months.
Scientific studies have found that this treatment is effective for up to 70% of patients with recurrent infections, increasing bladder comfort and reducing infections.
This therapy is performed in the comfort of our treatment clinic rooms and requires no general anaesthetic or needles. It has been used for many years now both in the Urology Partnership and on the NHS and has been very well tolerated with minimal discomfort or side effects seen.
3. Bladder antibiotics
Another method for sterilising the inside of a bladder with chronic infections involves instilling liquid antibiotics directly into the bladder. Liquid antibiotics are effective against bacteria that commonly cause UTIs.
By placing a course of antibiotics directly into the bladder, a much higher concentration can be delivered straight to the site of infection. This method has the advantage of minimal impact on other parts of the body, reducing the risk of side effects such as gut bacteria disruption (microbiome), diarrhoea, and indigestion, which can be associated with long-term oral antibiotic use.
These therapies are performed in the comfort of our treatment clinic rooms and requires no general anaesthetic or needles. It has been used for many years now both in the Urology Partnership and on the NHS and has been very well tolerated with minimal discomfort or side effects seen.
4. Research on UTI vaccines
Our specialists were the first in the UK to research treating patients with a new sprayable vaccine for UTIs and are heavily involved in the international clinical trials for this treatment.
UTI vaccines can come in many forms, including tablet, injection, vaginal suppositories and sprays. The sub-lingual (under-the-tongue) spray is composed of 4 inactivated versions of the most common UTI causing bacteria. When used once a day for 3 months, it has been found to prevent recurrent UTIs in up to 80% of patients who use it.
They work by stimulating and strengthening the body’s own immune system. This educates the patient’s immune cells to recognise and fight the bacteria. As a result, when the patient encounters the bacteria again, their immune cells can mount a rapid and strong response, eliminating the infection before symptoms develop or antibiotics become necessary.
Additionally, the enhanced immune system may also help to identify and eliminate deep-seated UTIs hidden within bladder cells and the urobiome, tackling the source of these chronic infections.
Currently UTI vaccines remains unlicensed in the UK and are administered only as part of clinical trials or on a named patient basis privately.
Next Steps
Get fast access to leading specialists for the swift diagnosis and treatment of urological conditions in a private clinic environment.
If you would like more information or wish to arrange a consultation with one of our specialist consultant urological surgeons then please either Call 0118 920 7040 or complete the form below.
Insured patients
Contact your GP and ask for a referral to the Urology Partnership.
All consultations, investigations and treatments are covered by major insurance companies (depending on policy).
Funding your own treatment
Self-funding initial consultation fee is £205. Follow up fees are £165.
Consultation charges are exclusive of any tests and other investigations that the consultant may wish to carry out.